Friday, March 25, 2011

My First Post

I decided to create this blog because of what I see everyday while working as a police officer. I've discovered that for the most part people make honest and innocent mistakes that land them in major legal trouble. I tell people time and time again you have to think through your decisions before you make them. For example;  deciding to go out and to have a drink or two with friends can lead to serious repercussions later that night if you do not plan ahead. Having a DUI on your record can seriously harm your ability to obtain a good job. Employers want employees who make smart responsible decisions. DUI's can lead to missed work, loss of productivity, and tarnishing of a company's reputation.
      This is just one example of how, GOOD people can make BAD decisions that can lead to REAL consequences. Career criminals look at a lot of these consequences with little to no care. To them it's the price of doing business, but for your everyday honest working person, it can lead to some serious bad times. Remember it will not only affect you, but your family as well.
       My plan is continue to post vignettes of real situations that happen to real people. What I will NOT be doing is posting up people's personal information; including but not limited to names and locations. As I said a lot of the people I deal with are good people who have made bad decisions. Their mistakes will already cost them, they don't need me airing their personal info out to the readers of this blog. However, the stories I post will definitely amaze you. You will not believe some of the things that happen out there. I will also be posting up links to articles written by individuals far more qualified than me. Hopefully this blog can keep at least a few people from making a poor decision.

     Thanks for reading, I'll be posting up the first entry tonight.

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